Thursday, June 10, 2010

Doing Well By Doing Good!

Today we hear a lot about work-life balance and how necessary
it is to achieve this state if we wish to enjoy healthy lives.

For many of us, it might seem impossible to get off the roller
coaster ride that we have become used to.

However, some of us are finding this balance is very achievable.
What is the "secret?"

Finding and doing work we like is key.
That way we can do well, by doing good.
Having a win-win in any situation is almost always possible, if we try hard enough.

So, how do you do well, by doing good.

You must get to know, like and trust yourself first.

You cannot give what you don't have.
Do some introspection and ask trusted intimates for feedback.
It has been said "do what you love and you'll never work a day in your life!"
I have found that to be true in my own life.
What about you?
Learn to do well, by doing good!
It's the best thing for living and earning a healthy income.

Sunday, May 30, 2010


Affiliate marketing is the most tried and true method for the new Internet marketer to make some quick money.
Making money online as an affiliate marketer can be easy and fast when you have the right training and support from marketers who are actually making money by using the products and services that they offer.
That is the first thing that the new affiliate marketer must be aware of.

Not everyone claiming to make money with a particular product is doing so.
Some marketers lie or embellish their actual incomes, just to make the sale.

My advice is to be careful not to fall for this trick and don't be tempted to do it yourself.
You might make a sale or two, but you will ruin your reputation and word spreads very quickly about that kind of stuff fast here on the Internet.

So market responsibly and build a healthy income!

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Use your blog to create and enjoy a healthy income on the Internet

Why use a blog instead of a full website to create and enjoy a healthy income on the Internet?
Here are 3 reasons:
  1. Blogs are very easy to setup and maintain
  2. Blogs are cheaper and can be updated with new content (Daily if you wish)
  3. Search engines love blogs (Maybe because the content is always fresh!)
So, if you want to earn a healthy income on the Internet without adding the stress of managing a regular website then a blog is an excellent option.
Here is how easy it can be to setup a blog.
One blogging platform, Wordpress boasts about their 5 minutes setup time, I have tested it and it is true!
Maintaining your blog to earn a healthy income on the Internet is also very easy, in most cases you don't need to know any HTML (the language of the Internet), all you do is write your content and post or publish.

Blogs are cheap, some are even free and you can make as many posting as you want and update just as often as you can create new content. As well, posting short to the point content is much easier and less stressful than writing full article type content for a website.

Search engines such as,, love blogs! I am not sure why, but it could have something to do with the regularly supplied stream of fresh, uniqued content that can be derived and crawled from the blog postings.

Whatever the reason(s), start with a blog if you want to earn a stressfree and healthy income on the Internet!

Want hands on training to start your blog?
Come to the GVOAcademy!